The Latest News
We are proud to announce that our complete collection of books, including those for younger and/or Spanish readers, is now available as eBooks (and even a few audio books!). Preview them here. All of the books in our library are available with a free 30-day trial, if you register with the site. After that, full access is available with a monthly subscription of $2.95/month or with an annual subscription for $19.95/year. We are excited to offer our books in this format for easy access! One lucky March registrant will win a free year's subscription, so sign up now!
Molelo the Fire Elephant is nominated for a 2019 Green Earth Book Award, determined by The Nature Generation! Winners will be announced later this spring.
Animal Calendar
March is Dolphin Awareness Month and includes:
Panda Facts
In honor of National Panda Day (March 16), let's learn more about our black and white, furry friends. Pandas will occasionally eat small animals and fish, but bamboo accounts for 99 percent of their diet, and they have to eat about 40 lbs of it every day to get the nutrition they need. Unlike most other bears, pandas do not hibernate - they have to keep eating bamboo! It's estimated that only around 2,000 pandas remain in the wild, mostly due to habitat encroachment. Human efforts have helped the panda to no longer be considered 'endangered', though they are still very susceptible to changes in their habitat.
March's Reader Challenge
Reduce, reuse, recycle. I'm sure you've heard this adage many times. 75% of garbage is recyclable but we only recycle 30% in the US. We can do better! Let's start with junk mail. The average American gets 500 pieces of junk mail annually, most of which ends up in the trash. If we can REDUCE the production of junk mail, then we won't have to RECYCLE it, and we'll be saving countless trees to boot. Ecocycle has outlined various ways to let the junk mailers know to stop mailing junk to you. Try out a few and spread the word!
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eBooks! GKC now offers online subscription
The World According to Dave
About the author
Lorielle Peterson