Hi Green Kids!Welcome to the Green Kids Club Newsletter where you can keep up with the Green Kids Club happenings each month, learn some new things, and challenge yourself as a true Green Kid ambassador for the planet! Photo by Sylvia in honor of International Wolf Day!
Environmental Hero Douglas W. Smith, PhD
Want to learn a little more about the kind of cool work that happens in our national parks? Listen here!
Doug is our Environmental Hero for this quarter. He worked for more than 40 years with wolves and was a Senior Wildlife Biologist at Yellowstone National Park. He led the Yellowstone Wolf Project, bringing wolves back to the park. His work has led to over 100 scientific papers, numerous articles, six books (two of which won awards), and appearances on shows like 60 Minutes. He is also now a speaker on the Nat Geo Live circuit and he is co-authoring two books with us here at Green Kids Club!
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Featured Books - Wolf Matriarch of Yellowstone plus Roly!
Wolf Matriarchs of Yellowstone
This summer, we are featuring our upcoming book, The Wolf Matriarchs of Yellowstone, co-authored by Douglas W. Smith. In a children's format, we have written about the reintroduction of gray wolves to Yellowstone National Park. This book features illustrations from the amazingly talented former Disney animator Andreas Wessel-Therhorn. Part of the proceeds from sales of these books will go to Yellowstone Forever to support Wolf Management at Yellowstone National Park. |
Announcing a new Children's Book by acclaimed Disney Artist Andreas Wessel-Therhorn |
Roly The Rhino who wanted to be a Unicorn
is an inspiring story written and illustrated by Andreas Wessel-Therhorn, an acclaimed Disney artist and animator. With 'Roly,' Andreas takes up authorship, telling the story of a rhino who begins to doubt the picture of himself. 'Roly' is a story of acceptance directed at younger audiences, with an essential lesson for people of all ages. Andreas's fun and creative illustrations beautifully enhance the story throughout! |
Check out our books on Kindle and Amazon! |
Unique Environmental Experience
The Bats of Armendaris Ranch, NM
Recently, we learned about a bat phenomenon in Southern New Mexico at the Ted Turner 360,000-acre Armendaris Ranch. There are approximately 3 million bats that utilize two lava tubes known as the Jornada Bat Caves as their "cave home." Every evening, they come out to hit the Rio Grande River and eat bugs! I recently got to see this river of bats flowing out of the cave. It was incredible. At the same time, many hawks come out to try and pick off their bat snack! The bats leave around early September and head to Mexico. These bats have been in this area for years. In fact, from 1899 to 1902, miners came in and collected bat guano (or bat poop) used for fertilizer. This job wouldn't be very fun - smelly and potentially disease-ridden. Back then, people did what they had to do! Ted Turner has done an amazing job buying properties and making them into reserves for wildlife and its habitats. See the bats in action here!
August Animal & Environment Observances
2024 Weeks: (Alpha Order)
- International Bat Night(s) - August 24-25, 2024 (Last Full Weekend in August)
2024 Days: (Date Order)
- World Lion Day - August 10
- World Elephant Day - August 12
- International World Wolf Day - August 13
- International Homeless Animals Day - August 17, 2024 (Third Saturday of August)
- World Honey Bee Day - August 17, 2024 (Third Saturday in August)
- World Orangutan Day - August 19
- Rainbow Bridge Remembrance Day - August 28
- International Whale Shark Day - August 30
In celebration of International Elephant, Wolf, Lion and Bee day we are giving away four of our books that tells the stories of each of these animals and bees. We hope you enjoy and learn a lot! Email us at contactus@gmail.com and request the specific book you would like. First two requests per book will be honored. Include your name and address in the email and we would love nothing more than to share your photos on line showing your children reading the books!
From these books you can learn about:
- Molelo the little elephant that was saved by Elephants Without Borders
- A story of three brother lions who find themselves in different santuaries. Blood Lions is working hard to make a difference with legislative changes and education.
- Teaching children about the need for bees in our world. The story was co-authored by Kelly Landen from Elephants without Borders.
- The story of the White Wolves of Yellowstone. Teaching children the need to protect the wolves of Yellowstone! Co-authors are Rene Hersey, Julie Argyle with Douglas W. Smith.
Beautiful illustrations by Andreas Wessel-Therhorn and Morgan Spicer! |
Featured Environmental Non-Profit/NGO
This month we are highlighting an organization that is making a difference to help and protect animals from trapping. Animals that get into traps, snares undergo a lot of suffering. Trap Free Montana works to educate the public about the travesties of trapping. Their mission is to connect hearts & minds through science, truths in trapping, & compassion to rise to the plight of wildlife & support biodiversity, coexistence, responsible stewardship, & trap free public lands. Green Kids is donating some of our proceeds from the White Wolves of Yellowstone to Trap Free Montana and Wolves of the Rockies.
We want kids to join our Wild Green Kids Club! Children learn about animals and their environment and they can win books and toys through fun contests! Click on the link to find out more!
About the author
Green Kids Club